Current Research Projects
Dissertation Essay 1
STOP ME IF YOU'VE HEARD THIS ONE BEFORE: Consumer Responses to Familiar Music in Marketing Contexts
(with Daniel Korschun, Drexel University)
Invited for Revision at AMS Review
Familiarity is central to process of consumer engagement with music; launches active engagement, judgements of brand use
Feelings of ownership for music heighten judgements of brand use
New outcomes from active engagement identified: outcomes concerning the individual’s identity, the music, and the brand
Dissertation Essay 2
Consumer Sharing Behaviors When "Their" Music is Used by Brands
(with Daniel Korschun, Drexel University)
Investigates how brand use of psychologically-owned music shapes word-of-mouth (WOM) about that music
WOM is investigated as self-disclosure in pursuit of a certain social goal or avoidance of a certain social risk
Dissertation Essay 3
Music, Emotional Reasoning, and Consumer Political Beliefs
(with Daniel Korschun, Drexel University)
Music in marketing launches not only emotional states, but emotional reasoning by which individuals use their emotions to understand and interpret the world
Observed effect of music on emotional reasoning; leading participants to more flexibility in political beliefs and empathy towards a marginalized group
The Mediating Effect of Social Identification on Civic Duty and WOM Among Community Orchestra Subscribers
(with Brooke Reavey, Dominican University)
Explored social drivers (e.g., civic duty, identification with orchestra, exclusivity) that increase or decrease the likelihood of WOM for the patron
Civic duty influences patrons’ level of social identification with the symphony
High perceived exclusivity leads to decreased WOM; low or moderate perceived exclusivity leads to increased WOM